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Monkshouse Primary Academy

Together Everybody Achieves More

Mrs Lincoln Year 1 - Robins

Welcome to the Robin's blog page


Class teacher - Mrs Lincoln  

Class teaching assistant - Mrs Smolen 



Week 6- DT


This week as part of our DT work we have made a moving vehicle. The children have had a great time deigning their vehicle and then using a variety of materials to make their vehicles. They can all explain how they made their vehicle and if they made their vehicle again, what they would do differently. 

Week 5- Beebots


This week the children have enjoyed exploring the beebots. They have managed to program the beebots so they can move forwards and backwards, left and right. The children have then moved the beebots around a maze and given the correct instructions.  

Week 4-


The children took part in Sports Day and had a fantastic time. They all took part and were smiling the whole time!

International Day- week 3


This year our country was Spain. We had a lovely day making flags, fans and writing postcards. We also made churros. 

Week 3- Maths


This week in Maths the children have been busy partitioning two-digit numbers into tens and ones. They have been using their base ten equipment to help them. 

Week 2- Science Day


This week we have been investigating animal poo as part of our Science topic. The children had to examine the poo (made out of mud) and work out if the animal was a carnivore, herbivore or an omnivore  depending on what they found in the poo (meat, leaves or both)


 We then had a Scientist, who came into school and gave us a fantastic demonstration and talk on air.

Week 1-


This week in maths we have learning about directions. We have learnt how to make a quarter turn, half turn, a three-quarter turn and a whole turn. Using our pencils we followed a set of instructions and moved our pencils accordingly.  We also began our science unit of work by sorting animals into groups (reptiles, birds, fish, amphibians, mammals and insects)

Term 6 -   Animal Antics

 Soft fur, twitching whiskers. What’s your favourite animal? We will be exploring animals from pets at home to wild animals in the zoo. We will discover how they eat, sleep and live. Let’s investigate food chains and see who eats what and who! Who is an herbivore and who is a carnivore? Let’s explore how to care for them all!

In our Art lessons, we will be looking at the work of Louise Bourgeois. We will be using her sculpture named Maman to guide our own animal sculptures using clay or recyclable materials.

Week 6- Outdoor learning


We have really loved our outdoor learning this term. To finish our outdoor learning sessions we build dens and toasted marshmallows by the fire pit. These were amazing!

Week 5- PE


We have really enjoyed out PE this term. We have been improving our athletic skills, learning how to jump, run and skip correctly. 

Week 4- Outdoor learning


This term the children are taking part in outdoor learning every Friday. They are enjoying being outside and building a variety of structures. They are also enjoying using the firepit to toast marshmallows! 

Week 3- Mindfulness


The children enjoyed a session of mindfulness to support mental wellbeing week. They all felt calm and relaxed after!

Week 2- ICT


The children have really enjoyed using the laptops and using the word program to type their name and write sentences. 

Week 1-


The children have been busy in Maths this week, learning about equal groups. They have had a variety of number of cubes and been sharing them into equal groups. The children were fantastic at this!

Term 5- Getting Around


This term  we will be looking back at how travel and transport have changed and adapted over time. We will also be researching some of the most famous pilots in History. 


English -  We will be continuing with our Curious Quests, a different book per week. They will create and draw inventions from the story and then write sentences. We will be looking at adjectives and using ‘and’ in a sentence. The children will continue to use exclamation marks and we will be looking at a question mark. This term the books will mainly be non-fiction. 


Maths - We will take our first look at multiplication, division and fractions this term.

Week 6-


In DT the children used their skills to make their own houses out of cardboard boxes. The children had a great time and thought carefully about their doors and windows. 

Week 5-


This week in Maths we have been focussing on capacity. We have been finding out how many cups of sand and cubes different containers hold. 

Week 4- Maths


This week in maths we have been learning our number bonds to 10. We are becoming quicker at knowing what numbers go together to make 10. 

Week 3- Andy Goldsworthy


The children have been inspired by Andy Goldsworthy this term. The children were provided with different paper, card, newspaper etc for them to create their own Goldsworthy inspired collage. We discussed the shape of the ‘leaf picture’ and how Andy Goldsworthy arranged the leaves to create an almost circle shape before the children started their work.

Week 2- Growing beans


This week the children have been busy planting their own beans. We are hoping that they grow so we can see the different parts of the plant and describe their functions. Lets keep our fingers crossed Robins.

Week 1- Science 


The children have been learning about the parts of a plant. They had fun labelling their flowers and then describing what each part of the flowers function is. The children then enjoyed dissected the flower and looking closely at the different parts. 

Term 4 - Step Outside

Watch out this term, you are in for a ride, let us learn together as we step outside! This term we will be stepping outside of our front door to explore our local area. We will be taking a walk around the school grounds and places nearby to look for key features of our environment.  

We will participating in lots of outdoor art activities, using natural objects to create work similar to the artist Andy Goldsworthy. CLICK, CLICK we will need snapping up on our photography skills. 


English -  We will be continuing with our Curious Quests, a different story per week. They will create and draw inventions for the characters of the story and then write sentences. We will be looking at adjectives and using ‘and’ in a sentence. We will be introducing the children to exclamation marks and looking at speech. The stories will be:

  • We are going on a bear hunt.
  • Paper dolls
  • Greata and the Giants
  • How to catch a star
  • Isle of you
  • Town mouse and Country Mouse

Maths - We will be measuring and recording weights and volumes. We will move on to explore place value to 50. 

Week 6- Safety Internet Day


As part of safety internet day the children learnt about staying safe on line and what they should do if messages, calls or adverts appear on the devise they are using. The children were very sensible and gave some great answers. They all know that the correct thing to do is to show an adult. 

Week 5- Number Day


The children took part in the NSPCC Number Day. They came to school dressed with a number on them and then we went on a hunt around school following the clues. The children had to work out the answers to the clues using their maths skills before they could move. We had great fun and the children were fantastic mathematicians!

Week 4


Science- This week the children have been learning all about floating and sinking. We had great fun experimenting with different objects to see which ones floated and which ones sink. We made predictions first and then tested to see if we were correct. 

Week 3


The children are really enjoying using the laptops at school. They have learnt how to log on and off and open up a word document to type. 

Week 3


A-life came into school and spoke to the children about being healthy and having a healthy mind. The children took part in a variety of activities. The children had a fantastic time. 

Week 2

The children have been learning all about materials and their properties. The children have been exploring different objects and saying what materials they are made from.

Week 1


The children have been learning all about teen numbers. We have been using tens and ones to make numbers over 10. The children have had fun making their numbers using their equipment and they can record this in a number sentence- 10 + 6 = 16. Fantastic maths work Robins.

Term 3 - Then and Now


Can you remember being small? Being a baby and learning to crawl? Do you recall a favourite toy, maybe a teddy bear or a best-loved book? Learn and find out about days before you were born, it’s called history and it’s all about the past. This term we will be looking at our we have changed and grown by completing our very own milestone timeline.

Memories are special … Let’s make some more!

Children will compare how toys have changed from the past to today. In Science we investigate materials, exploring their textures and characteristics. 

Our D&T project this term will be building a moving toy car, to do this we will look at wheels and axels and how they work.


English- We will be continuing with our Curious Quests, a different story per week. They will create and draw inventions for the characters of the story and then write sentences. We will be looking at adjectives and using and in a sentence. One of the stories will be ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’.


Maths- We will consolidate our addition and subtraction skills and begin to explore measures of length and height.

Week 5- Shape


The children have had great fun learning about 2D and 3D shapes this week. We have looked at the different features of shapes and their properties.


Week 4- Geography


This week the children have been learning about the United Kingdom. They have learnt the names of the different countries and what their flags look like. 

Week 3- Science Day


This week we took part in a Science Day based on the weather. The children took part in an experiment 'Rain in a cup'. We filled a cup with water and added clouds (shaving form). We then added rain (food colouring) to the clouds and we watched to see what happen. We were very impressed to see that the water turned blue- the rain went through the clouds and turned the water blue. 


The children also took part in an ice experiment. They made wind socks and clough dough. 

Week 3- Godly Play


The children took part in a Godly play all about the 'Creation Story'. The children learnt about the story and then took part in a variety of activities. 

Week 2- Geography


This term the children have been learning about weather. In Geography we looked at the different weather symbols and weather forecasts. The children then worked in groups to create a forecast of what they think the weather will be like next week in Spalding using symbols. 

Term 2 - Wonderful Weather 

This term the children will be walking outdoors, exploring the weather and its effects. What weather do you prefer? Sunshine, snow, storms or showers?


Get your wellingtons on …. Let’s go!


The children will be observing changes across the four seasons and identifying seasonal and daily weather patterns in the UK. Our Geography will take us on a journey exploring the countries and capital cities that make up the UK. In Art we will be studying the artist Van Gogh. We will look at his famous painting 'Starry Night'. We will explore colour mixing and brush techniques to recreate his masterpiece. In preparation for Christmas we will be researching Christianity in RE, looking at artefacts and learning about the Christmas story. 



We will be starting the Curious Quests in English this term which is a continuation of Drawing club from reception. The children will be exploring a different story per week. They will create and draw inventions for the characters of the story and then write sentences. We will be beginning to look at

adjectives and using and in a sentence.



We will looking at addition, subtraction, fact families, tens and ones, 2D shape, 3D Shape




Week 6- Storyteller 


This week we were very lucky to have a storyteller come into school and share some exciting stories with the children. The children had a fantastic time!

Week 5- Addition 


The children have started to learn about addition in maths this week. They have learnt that they need 2 parts to make a whole. Part + part = a whole. They have done extremely well and they are becoming fantastic little mathematicians. 

Week 5- 02.10.23


Today we have been making amounts on bead strings and then ordering them from the smallest to the biggest.

Week 4- 26.9.23


We were very lucky today as a poet came into school and together we wrote and performed our own class poet. 

Week 3- 21.09.23


The children have been learning about the story 'Superworm'. The children have been ordering the story in groups from the beginning to the end. We are really enjoying this story and looking forward to writing our own 'Superworm' story . 

Week 2- 13/9/23

Superhero Day


As part of our Superhero topic we had a 'Superhero Day'. The children came dressed as their favourite superhero character and they took part in various activities throughout the day. The children wrote a superhero poem, went on a treasure hunt to find the superhero trophy, went through some superhero training and caught baddies with their water guns. Lots of fun was had and the children really enjoyed their day.  

Week 2- 11/9/2023


Today in maths, the children were counting and recognising numbers to 10. The children were given number cards from 1 to 10. The children were asked to pick up card and then and then go into the nature area and find that number of leaves, conkers or sticks. We had great fun matching the correct number of objects to the right number. 

Term 1 -  Superheroes


BOOM! ZAP! ZOOM! Superheroes are taking over year one!


Year one will be dressing up as their favourite superheroes using their super powers to jump, crawl and balance through the different obstacles put in their way. The children will also spend time learning about their bodies and their 5 senses. They will go back in time and look at a real life superhero called Florence Nightingale and how she changed hospitals for the better.


Maths - We are going to be doing number and place value within 10.


English - We are going to be looking at poetry, non-fiction and stories that involve a superhero. 


