Intent, Implementation, and Impact Statement for Science at Monkshouse Primary
At Monkshouse Primary, our intent is to provide a high-quality Science education that stimulates and excites our pupils' curiosity about the world around them. Through our Science curriculum, we aim to foster a deep understanding of scientific concepts and encourage students to develop the skills of scientific inquiry, investigation, and critical thinking.
We believe that Science education should promote a lifelong love for learning, inspire future scientists, and equip all our pupils with the scientific knowledge and skills they need to understand and make informed decisions about the increasingly scientific and technological world in which they live.
Broad and Balanced Curriculum
In line with the Ofsted framework, we have developed a broad and balanced Science curriculum. The curriculum is sequenced to build upon previous knowledge and provides engaging and challenging learning experiences for all pupils.
Clear Progression of Skills and Knowledge
Our curriculum ensures clear progression of scientific knowledge and skills from the Foundation Stage through to Key Stage 2. We have carefully mapped out the key concepts, vocabulary, and skills that children need to develop at each stage. This ensures that their understanding of taught skills enables them to make connections across different areas of Science.
Practical Investigations and Experiments
We place a strong emphasis on practical investigations and experiments to enable students to develop their scientific inquiry skills. Our lessons include regular opportunities for hands-on activities, encouraging pupils to observe, hypothesize, experiment, and draw conclusions based on evidence. We provide a wide range of resources and equipment to support practical work, enabling pupils to experience the joys and challenges of scientific experimentation.
Cross-Curricular Links
We actively encourage cross-curricular links between Science and other subjects, allowing pupils to apply and reinforce their scientific knowledge and skills across the curriculum. For example, we explore connections between Science and Mathematics, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Geography, fostering a holistic understanding of scientific concepts and their applications.
Adaptation and Inclusion
We ensure that our Science lessons are accessible to all learners by employing a range of strategies for adaptation and inclusion. This includes providing support for pupils with special educational needs or disabilities, as well as challenging more able students. We use a variety of teaching methods, resources, and assessment techniques to cater to different learning styles and abilities.
Continuous Professional Development (CPD)
To ensure the highest quality of Science education, we invest in continuous professional development for all staff members. Our teachers are kept up-to-date with the latest research, pedagogical approaches, and curriculum developments in Science education by our Science Coordinator. The Coordinator regularly attends CPD courses and cascades innovative approaches in staff training. Teachers are encouraged to share best practices and continually enhance their teaching and subject knowledge by liaising with the coordinator or other leading professionals.
High Levels of Engagement and Attainment
Through the implementation of our Science curriculum, we have witnessed high levels of engagement and attainment among our pupils. They demonstrate a genuine enthusiasm for Science, eagerly participating in lessons and showing curiosity about the subject. Our assessment data consistently shows good levels of progress and high levels of achievement across all key stages.
Scientific Skills and Knowledge Retention
Regular formative and summative assessments enable teachers to track learning and address any misconceptions promptly. We encourage our pupils to demonstrate and apply their scientific knowledge confidently in a range of contexts, both inside and outside the classroom.
Positive Attitudes towards Science and the World
Our intent to provide an outstanding Science education has resulted in pupils who possess positive attitudes towards Science and the wider world. They demonstrate respect for the environment, an awareness of ethical considerations, and an understanding of the role of Science in addressing global challenges.