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Monkshouse Primary Academy

Together Everybody Achieves More

Miss Tawn Year 3 - Swifts

Hello and welcome to the Swifts class blog page.


Here you can touch base and check out all of the exciting activities we are getting up to in year 3. We will keep you updated as we continue our learning journey and can't wait to share all of our successes and achievements with you all. 



Miss Tawn - Class teacher

Mrs Stafford - Teaching Assistant

Mrs Hooker & Miss Partlett (1:1)

Term 6

Food and Farming


Dust off those wellies, grab your fork and dig in as we learn all about where our food comes from. Discover the different types of farming and follow our food from farm to fork. You will explore the nutritional value in seasonal foods and don your chef’s hat as you plant, harvest and cook delicious delicacies from scratch. How has farming changed from the Iron Age to the present day? What type of farmer would you be? Let's plough in and find out!

Week 4

Art - Final piece plans


This week, the children have continued adding to their final piece plans.  The piece will be linked in Lincolnshire.  The children have been able to choose from a variety of art resources to experiment with ideas.  We can't wait to see their final piece of art! 


Week 3

International Day!


Today, we learned all about Portugal.  We used watercolour paints and polystyrene to create Azulejos tiles.  We also wrote a postcard to a school in Portugal and we made Portuguese biscuits.

Week 2


Science Day!


Today, we reviewed our previous learning about plants.  We found out how water is transported through the stem using food colouring and flowers.  We also set up an experiment for seeds to grow in different conditions. We planted our bean plants in the garden area. We also had a go at making ice cream, using a bag of ice cubes and butter by shaking a jar! 

Week 1


Farmer Wow Day!

We had a fantastic day learning about our new topic.  We created portraits based on the artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo adding fruits and vegetables.  We designed and made a vegetarian sausage roll after we learnt all about sage in Lincolnshire.  We made paper pots and planted out beans.  We built prototypes of our garden structures and voted for the one we will build. To finish off our day, we had a 'welly wanging' competition too!

Term 5

Shake, Rattle and Roll!

We are brave, powerful warriors and we will meet in battle! This topic, we will focus upon the Romans and how they changed Britain. Using different source materials, we'll investigate the Roman Empire and the impact they made upon Britain, especially in our local area. We will learn about where the Roman Empire was established and compare the human and physical geographical features of Italy and Britain. We will also look at Mother Nature's awesome energies as they hiss and roar deep within the Earth's plates. Discover the dangerous and ferocious world of natural disasters and glimpse the savage and deadly effects of Mount Vesuvius. 

Week 6


We performed our class assembly this week.  We have really enjoyed learning all about the Romans and Celts.  We performed a dramatic poem, gave lots of interesting facts and sang about the Romans too!

Week 5


This week, Year 3, 4 and 5 had the opportunity to take part in a live lesson with the V & A Museum in London.  We learnt about the Tropical Modernism exhibit.  We explored how materials, light and shape can create spaces that respond to local climate and identity and we had fantastic fun building our own unique pieces of architecture!

Term 3

Location, Location, Location!


Buckle your seatbelt and hold on tight as we go on an epic adventure of discovery. Have you ever taken the time to appreciate the beauty of our environment or indeed the country in which we live? Throughout this term, we will learn about the wonders of Eastern Europe. We shall use our developing compass skills and introduce the terms longitude and latitude. Throw away your Sat Nav, brush up on your map skills as we journey around the continent of Eastern Europe. Where will we find our favourite Location, Location, Location? 

Week 5


This week, we have begun learning about length and perimeter.  We have enjoyed measuring items in the classroom and outside and answering questions on the IPads.  In Music, we have learnt all about Chinese New Year and the dragon dance.  We have created our own pentatonic melodies and performed as a group too!

Week 4

We have been learning how to use the written method to divide 2 digit numbers.  We have enjoyed using different equipment such as place value counters and match sticks to help us divide with remainders too.  

Term 1 & 2

Ancient Britain


Take a moment to step outside and stand quietly and still. Turn off all your technology and try to forget the modern world. Imagine this place 5000 years ago. What would you have seen?

Experience life without modern tools and luxurious home comforts – would you survive? In our topic we will discover how people evolved from hunter gatherers to farmers and the beliefs these prehistoric warriors held. We will also investigate where and why humans settled in the places they made home and how some of these still exist in modern times.

English – During this unit, the children will explore poetry by creating acrostic and mesostic poems then later in term two, look at performance poetry. In Reading, we shall firstly explore the fiction book “Stone Age Boy".  We shall then be using Ted Hughes’ thrilling “The Iron Man” for both our reading and writing lessons. Through the exposure to this rich text, we shall be creating adventure narratives in a historical setting. Children shall continue to build upon their writing skill such as, capital letters, full stops, conjunctions, fronted adverbials and apostrophes to name a few! They will then have the opportunity to apply this across the different genres of writing.

Maths – During this unit, we will be investigating the number system and ensuring our knowledge of place value is sound. We will look at the value of different numbers as well as attempting to order them and compare them. Following on from this, we will be recapping adding and subtraction practically before moving onto use of the formal column method. After, we will be focusing on multiplication and division where will be looking at different methods to calculate problems as well as continuing to gain confidence with our times tables.

Week 4


We had a fantastic day at Flag Fen.  We made pots from clay, looked at artefacts, listened to a story in a roundhouse, learnt more about what people ate and made, looked at the remains of the wooden causeway from over 3000 years ago and even saw a herd of soay sheep!

Week 7


Today, we experimented with mirrors and learnt more about how light can be reflected.  We discussed how light travels in straight lines to the mirror surface and how light travels to our eyes to allow us to see.



Week 6


In Music, we have been learning how to create compositions for an animation.  First, we created our own soundscapes using a range of instruments like the tambourine and glockenspiel. This week, we learnt more about rhythm and used the ukuleles to create fantastic group performances to accompany a video! 

Week 5


This week, we were lucky enough to use VR headsets to explore important sites linked to our topic Ancient Britain.  This included Stonehenge and a recreation of a house from the time.

Week 4


We are really enjoying using different ball skills in PE.  We have learnt a variety of techniques including how to use the 'get ready' position and move our feet to the ball.



Still image for this video

Week 3


This week in Maths, we have been learning more about place value.  We estimated numbers on a number line and learnt how to make our estimates more accurate by marking the halfway point.

Week 2




This week, we have written and performed our own acrostic and mesostic poems all about the Stone Age.

Week 1


We have used a variety of equipment to learn more about the place value of numbers to 100.  We have used our knowledge to solve problems and explain our reasoning too.
