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Monkshouse Primary Academy

Together Everybody Achieves More


Safeguarding our children and staff at Monkshouse Academy is extremely important to us and we have created an area on the website for all safeguarding news. Here you will be able to read our safeguarding policy, read about any changes and be directed to any sites which may help you and your family.

Making A Safeguarding Referral


If you feel you need to make a safeguarding referral to Lincolnshire Children's Services the number to contact is:

01522 782111

If your referral is out of hours the number to contact is : 01522 782333

Useful Safeguarding Documents


The documents attached show how safeguarding and child protection is managed within the academy and guidance that we refer to.

There is a new service in Lincolnshire called 'Healthy Minds Lincolnshire'. It provides emotional wellbeing support to Lincolnshire children and young people up to the age of 19 where they do not meet the eligibilty of other available services (e.g CAMHS). The website at provides a wealth of knowledge and advice for parents who are concerned about the emotional wellbeing of their child ranging from anxiety and low self-esteem to bereavement, self-harm and eating concerns. Please take a look at the website if you think it will be useful for you.

LSCB - Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children Board is a statutory multi-agency board made up of representatives from the Local Authority, Police, Health Service, Probation Trust, Youth Offending Service, the Voluntary Sector and others.

This important website give parents advice about keeping children safe:

The Childline website has lots of valuable information for children and parents/carers. Their 'Calm Zone' has lots of activities aimed to help children feel better when they're feeling anxious, scared or sad. Although children could be encouraged to visit the website themselves, the techniques are good for adults to use with children. Ideas include: breathing exercises, a 'let it go' box and creating a 'sense drawer'.


If you are interested, please visit the Childline website:

Communities Defeat Terrorism

Counter Terrorism Policing launched an eight-week nationwide Communities Defeat Terrorism cinema advertising and social media campaign on January 23rd. This encourages members of the public to report anything suspicious to the police. They have asked schools to share this information on their websites. Please see links below:

Here are some websites which offer advice for parents and carers to help keep children safe online.

The Anna Freud Centre has published a range of resources to help support the mental health of children, young people, school staff and parents. 
In the first toolkit you will find:
- videos to provide practical guidance and tips to schools, parents and carers about coronavirus (COVID-19) and mental health.
- activities to ease anxiety that can be done at school or at home and other helpful advice, helplines and resources for adults and children. 
The second toolkit has resources to help communicate the coronavirus outbreak to children with SEND. 


Please see below five factsheets for parents and practitioners with the aim of providing information by using trauma awareness about children's and adult's emotional behaviour:



The Rockpool website is available here:


Please see below for some useful websites about keeping your children safe including keeping children safe online, the underwear rule, advice on leaving children at home alone and child mental health issues.

Keeping Children Safe

Domestic Abuse


Please click here to view Domestic Abuse support from EDAN Lincs Domestic Abuse Service.

The Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme (DVDS)/Clare’s Law


Are you in a relationship and worried that your partner is abusive?


Are you concerned that someone you know may be in a relationship and they are at risk of domestic violence and abuse?


Please go to: to access support. (Scroll to the bottom of the page for information for victims of domestic abuse and for information for third parties.


You can also visit: for more advice.


If you are unable to access either of these sites at home, then please come into school and speak to a member of staff.


Reporting Concerns
If you suspect or believe a child is suffering, or is likely to suffer, significant harm (including any form of mistreatment or abuse) you should ALWAYS report your concerns.

In an emergency always dial 999.


Our Designated Safeguarding Leads are Mrs Turner & Mrs Goodsell. While school is closed, should you have any safeguarding concerns, please email using the subject "Safeguarding" and marking the message urgent. If you feel a child is at imminent risk, our advice is to contact Children's Social Care on 01522 782111. If it is outside normal office hours you can contact the Emergency Duty Team (EDT) on 01522 782333.  
