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Monkshouse Primary Academy

Together Everybody Achieves More

Mr McHugh Year 6 - Ospreys

Welcome to the Ospreys class page


Mr McHugh (Teacher)

Ms Cruickshank (Teaching Assistant)


Throughout the year, we will be updating our progress so please check in to see how we're getting on!

Doodle Maths

We use Doodle Maths as our online homework for Maths. Doodle Maths works specifically on the needs of each individual child. We ask the children do a little bit often to help develop these mathematical skills and to support their progress through the school year.

TT Rock Stars

We use TTRS on a daily basis and ask the children to do so at home too. Those children who are still securing their understanding of multiplication and division facts (up to the 12x tables) will be asked to complete daily Garage games on the app. Once they have shown they have completed all possible levels on Garage, they will be notified by Mr McHugh who will then ask them to focus on Studio games which targets their speed of recall.

Term 5 - Mystery of the Maya

Adventure with us into the rainforests of Meso-America as we explore the mysterious Mayan culture.  Who were these long-lost people and how did their culture end? Explore the links between the learning from our Year 6 journey as discover the life of the Maya! When did they exist? What religious beliefs did they have? How do we know about them?

Week 6 - Making maps

The children have been getting down to completing some fieldwork as part of their Geography studies this week. They've taken what they learnt about scaling during maths lessons earlier in the year and have been measuring the various parts of the school to make their own accurate maps.

Week 5 - SATs Week

The children have been fantastic this week and  we're extremely proud of how they have coped with the testing. 

Week 4 - Digital self-portraits

Inspired by the works of Frida Kahlo, the children have been using various apps to edit their own photography. Apart from being taught how to use the apps and suggestions for varying their pictures, the children have gone away and experimented with ideas themselves to good effect!

Week 3 - Baroque

So far this term, we have learnt about Monteverdi (and the invention of opera) and Pachelbel (and the canon). We've learnt to define some of the key features of Baroque music, including recitative and canon but there's more to come in the next few lessons! We took part in a vocal improvisation task based on Baroque recitative. and then we played several parts of a canon using staff notation, with or without letter names depending on how confident we were playing them on the glockenspiels.

Week 2 - Friendly Friday

As part of Wellbeing Week, we welcomed half of Mrs Kay’s Reception class to Ospreys whilst half of Ospreys visited Mrs Kay’s children in Reception! The children were so well-behaved and loved the activities we did such as trying to make someone smile by being kind to them and working together to make a kindness poster. 

Week 1 - Website research in computing

The children were great in today’s Computing lesson. They researched the features of websites and decided upon what makes a ‘good’ one. They were quite surprised at how many websites actually follow a similar layout and had many a good discussion on why there are so many similarities between them!

Term 4 - It’s A Small World


Join us for a globetrotting adventure this term.  We will be learning about human populations and the reasons they settle in certain locations.  We will consider why people decide to move from a country they were born in to migrate to another and the consequences of this.  During our Windrush investigation, we will consider the benefits to society but also how these migrants have experienced prejudice too!

Week 5 - Shelters completed

With our DT project completed I, we tested them out in the Nature Area to ensure they would survive in the wild! The weather fancied challenging us as well!

Week 4 - Shelter building

As part of our DT learning, we began began making our model shelters based on how we would survive in different environments. The designing process had us thinking about people in different situations survive and used our reading of Wolf Brother as inspiration for this as Torah is often having to create makeshift shelters whilst living in the Forest! In the lesson, we used the DT equipment to cut the dowel to size and test out ideas for ensuring the structure is strengthened when joined.

Week 3 - Classification keys

In Science, we learnt about how different organisms can be classified using classification keys. This is handy when we need to identify something we’ve not seen before! In the lesson, we made our own by coming up with our own questions for identifying the vertebrates encountered in the previous lesson.

World Book Day

We had a great World Book Day 2024! This year, we read The Barnabus Project by The Fan Brothers. Reading the story we could pick out various different British Values such as democracy when the characters discussed their group decisions and individual liberty when they sought their freedom from the lab of the Green Suit Men! After reading the story, we thought about what perfect is because many of the characters had a perfect version of themselves as they were deemed to be ‘failed projects’. We drew our interpretations of our chosen character and had some great discussions during the activity!

Week 2 - Tennis

With the weather not letting us down this week, we got outside for our first tennis lesson! Mr McHugh showed us how to do the forehand and backhand shots so that we could do our own rallies whilst working in pairs. Not one tennis ball was lost in this lesson which might be a Y6 first!

Week 1 - Yoga

Namaste! In our first yoga session, we began by completing a body scan to get our mind and body ready for the exercises. Mr McHugh taught us the cobra and down dog poses ready for completing a Sun Salutation which you can see in the video attached. 


Still image for this video

Term 3 - At World’s End

We’re going on an adventure aboard the HMS Beagle with Charles Darwin! Getting stuck in the Arctic with Ernest Shackleton and his crew! Discovering how people survive the extremest climates of the world!

Week 6 - Mandalas

Out of all the religious artwork the children have produced this term, the mandalas have impressed me the most. The attention to detail, care and effort they have put into their work has made me extremely proud of them. Please have a look through the gallery to see for yourselves!

Week 5

The children have been getting stuck into their algebra learning this week! We’ve covered the differences between expressions and equations, function machines and substitution.

Week 4

Some of the amazing work from our art lessons this week. The children made digital prints using Jackson Pollock and Emily Kngwarreye artwork as their inspiration!

Week 3


As part of our RE learning, we have been looking at Calligraphy and understanding its importance within Islam. The children had a go at creating their own before creating their own artistic message using the iPads. This was following a discussion on how religious texts can be a source of comfort and inspiration for those seeking guidance at difficult times in their lives.

Week 2 - Volleyball

This term we’ve been getting our volleyball skills honed! So far we’ve learnt how to ‘catch’ and ‘set’ which we’ve done pretty well at!

Week 1

Kicking off our artwork for the term with our own versions of the paintings of Emily Kngwarreye and Jackson Pollock. It was great to see all the creativity from the children as they were all given the same criteria but went in completely different directions to each other!

Autumn Term - Home Front

Why did the world go to war? How did the wars impact our locality? Why did Lincolnshire become known as Bomber County? In Homefront, Year 6 discover how members of the Spalding area contributed to the defence of our country.


This term the children will experience what it was like to be evacuated during World War Two. Our learning in history will particularly focus on the ability to empathise with people from the past whilst examining different types of historical source to support their understanding. The topic will allow us to focus on our local history by analysing the impact of the war on our community. The study will involve research into local airfields, the impact of the Women’s Land Army, evacuation to rural areas as well as the part the area played in the Battle of Britain.

Term 2

Week 7

Week 6 - Christmas cards

Ospreys have made Christmas cards with moving parts this week! 

Week 5 - Sewing Christmas decorations

After lots of research into existing designs, creating own designs and preparing our equipment, we got down to actually sewing our product! Although mistakes were made, we learnt from them as we worked and came up with some great work! We even won the decorating a Christmas tree class competition!

Week 4 - Fortune Tellers

Using our Micro:bits in Computing, we used this term’s learning on inputs and outputs to creat fortune tellers! We debugged our own programmes using the micro:bit website before uploading it to the connected device. We had great fun in asking th fortune tellers questions. Unfortunately, as you can see on the video, it didn’t work out so well for Mr McHugh! Better luck next time!


Still image for this video

Week 3

Week 2 - Gymnastics 

We’ve been working on tension and counter-tension in PE this week. We worked really well in teams to come up with our own gymnastic balances. 

Week 1 - Electrical circuits 

We’ve had a great lesson in Science this week! The children impressed with their knowledge of electrical circuits so worked so hard on testing out different possibilities with their circuits.

Term 1

Week 6 - Professional storyteller

We really enjoyed the professional storyteller workshop: we loved how interactive it was and how the lady brought everything to life!

Week 5 - Battle of Britain

In preparation for writing a non-chronological report about the significance of the Battle of Britain, Year 6 acted out dogfights between Spitfires and Messerschmitts. The activity had certain rules that dictated how each plane would move, which then gave the children an idea of the advantages and disadvantages of each plane. We discussed how the introduction of radar helped the RAF forces as the Luftwaffe began their attacks as well as factors such as how long the Luftwaffe had in the air before needing to refuel and the number of fighters involved for each side. The activity was a great success and we’re looking forward to seeing this reflected in their writing!

Week 4 - Poet

This week we had a visiting poet run some workshops with the children.  We spent time with him creating and learning a poem with actions.  At the end of the day, we came back into the hall to perform our sections of the poem alongside the other year groups in school.

Week 2 - Direction of light investigation

In Science, we investigated the direction light travels in. Our experiment had us predicting the position of light on a surface when turning a torch on and off before moving onto creating light beams to prove how light travels!

Week 1 - WW2 Experience Day

To welcome the children back to school and kick start our WW2 topic, we had an experience day! The children engaged in four activities throughout the day and it’s safe to say they had a great time! 

Activity one - a blackout experience during which the children were taken through a re-enactment of this very topip before being given some warden training!

Activity two - a parachute was found hanging from a tree in the school grounds. The children had to crack the code to find the pilot's location!

Activity three - an archaeological dig site where they discovered an unexploded bomb waiting for them as well as a few items from other periods of history!

Activity four - making interactive timelines to recall what they had learnt previously at school and thinking about how WW2 might link back to these.

A great start to the term and the children really came away with some fantastic knowledge which we will investigate further this term!
