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Monkshouse Primary Academy

Together Everybody Achieves More

Mr Myland Year 6 - Falcons

Our class

Year 6 Falcons


Welcome to our Class Blog!

Come check out our amazing journey of learning! Throughout the year, we will be updating the progress so please feel free to see what we're doing and how your child is getting on! 


Class teachers: Mr Myland and Mrs Roberts

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Williamson


Here are some fab links to help your child with their learning:


BBC Bitesize KS2

A good website which covers all subjects we teach throughout the year. I suggest this is your go-to website for understanding the vocabulary that is used in the curriculum.


We use DoodleMaths as our online homework for Maths. It's a great tool for children to learn a range of new skills, and this AI software changes difficulty levels depending on how they find the questions. A 10 minute, short, sharp approach works perfectly for this!



Term 5 and 6- Mystery of the Maya


Adventure with us into the rainforests of Mesoamerica as we explore the mysterious Mayan culture.  Who were these long-lost people and how did their culture end? Explore the links between the learning from our Year 6 journey as we understand how and why certain events impact upon others and unintended consequences of actions upon other people. 



Week 2- Friendly Friday


This week, we've been celebrating Wellbeing Week.  As our final activity, we welcomed some of Mrs Burnham's Reception class to join us.  We read the story "The Colour Monster" and then each Year 6 child partnered with a Reception pupil to create their own springy colour monsters.  We had a fabulous time.



Week 1- Art 


This term we will be learning about the Mexican artist, Frieda Karhlo.  This fascinating painter was able to produce art despite many physical challenges and was the first Mexican artist to be displayed at La Louvre in Paris.  We will be analysing some of her paintings and then using digital art later in the term to create our own versions.



Term 4- It's a small world


Join us for a globetrotting adventure this term.  We will be learning about human populations and the reasons they settle in certain locations.  We will consider why people decide to move from a country they were born in to migrate to another and the consequences of this.  Focussing on the Windrush story, we will consider the benefits to society of migration but also how these migrants have experienced predjudice. 


Week 6- Creating prototypes


Over this term, we've been learning about the artwork of El Anatsui.  This amazing artist creates huge installations that are made from recycled materials.  He tries to express the fragility of Earth and the how humans have a negative impact upon it, through their waste.


This week, we've been creating plans for our own El Anatsui inspired artwork and, using card and other materials, created our initial prototypes. 


Week 3

World Book Day


For World Book Day, we read the story "The Barnabus Project".  This super book gave us lots of ideas and prompted some wonderful discussions about the British Value of "Individual Liberty".  


Throughout the day we did lots of fun activities based upon the book, which resulted in us being able to create a storyboard using freeze frames.


Week 2


This week, we've been learning about volume of 3D shapes.  We've investigated that two shapes can appear very different in size but have identical volumes.  We then applied this knowledge to use when calculating volume, using the formula width x height x depth. 


Week 1


In science, we have been learning about how biologists classify organisms.  We looked at sorting diagrams, learnt how to use questions with only "yes" or "no" answers.  Using an app called Popplet we then created our own, professional looking sorting diagrams. 


Term 3- At World's End


Join us on a voyage into the unknown.  Pack your compass and bring clothes for all weathers as we journey to the far reaches of our planet.  Studying about Ernest Shackleton and learning about his incredible journey on the Endurance, we will find out about what it takes to be an explorer.  We will also learn about Darwin and his incredible discoveries that influence biologists even now. 


Week 5


This week, we've been learning about the process of evolution- small changes over time that change a species.  We thought about a familiar creature and then considered small steps and adaptations that may have led to this.  We then created our own step-by-step explanation on possible evolutionary changes- Darwin would have been proud. 

Week 3


This week we enjoyed a visit by A-life.  The children had a fabulous time investigating ways that they could be healthy and take care of themselves.  We were quite astonished by the amount of sugar and salt in many foods!

Week 1


We've been learning about some great artists this week.  Inspired by the work of Jackson Pollock, we've used Adobe Fresco to produce digital prints using our own ideas. 


Term 1 and 2- Homefront


Why did the world go to war? How did the wars impact our locality? Why did Lincolnshire become known as Bomber County? In Homefront, Year 6 discover how members of the Spalding area contributed to the defence of our country.

This term the children will experience what it was like to be evacuated during World War Two. Our learning in history will particularly focus on the ability to empathise with people from the past whilst examining different types of historical source to support their understanding. The topic will allow us to focus on our local history by analysing the impact of the war on our community. The study will involve research into local airfields, the impact of the Women’s Land Army, evacuation to rural areas as well as the part the area played in the Battle of Britain.


Week 12


This week we've been using our new thinking frames to plan a letter.  We are writing to the council to object to a planned housing development nearby.  We've gathered out thoughts ready to write a formal letter later in the term. 

Week 10


This week we've been exploring ratio in maths.  Using practical equipment, we've found how ratios work and learned to used these to solve scaled problems. 


Week 8


This week we've started to code our Microbits.  These small devices are programmable using a coding software.  We used it to create a "Magic 8 ball" electronically.

Week 4


This week we had a visiting poet run some workshops with the children.  We spent time with him creating and learning a poem with actions.  At the end of the day, we came back into the hall to perform our sections of the poem alongside the other year groups in school.



Week 3


This week we've been looking at how to solve problems where there are missing digits in a column method.  This is something that often turns up in our reasoning questions.  To help us to understand it better, we used our Maths practical boxes to build the numbers and understand the logic behind how to solve these.

Week 1- Science


We used our science session today to learn about how light travels in straight lines.  We all knew this but how to prove it.  We set up an experiment using a series of cards with hole punched in theme and found that the light would only pass through them all if all holes were lined up.



Week 1- WW2 WOW day


On our first day back at school we split into groups to experience what life would have been like at the start of the war.  We trained as ARP wardens and learnt how to spot enemy aircraft.  We dug down in our archaeological site and found artefacts from the war in the layers of the trench.  We also found a mysterious parachute in the school grounds and had to crack a secret code to find a spy.


