Design & Technology
At Monkshouse Primary School, our Design and Technology curriculum is based around a problem solving, investigative context, which allows pupils the freedom and creativity to follow their own lines of enquiry and build upon taught skills. Across the term, our sequence starts with designing, making and finally evaluating our products. Pupils' skills and knowledge will be developed across five key areas: structures, mechanisms, electrical systems, cooking and nutrition and textiles. We have purchased the Kapow Design and Technology scheme to support the delivery of the subject across the school. This has been incorporated into the planned programme, but teachers are able to amend it to suit topics that they are covering.
The children learn about how to design and make functional and appealing products for themselves and others from a given brief. They have opportunities to use their speaking and listening skills to discuss and communicate their ideas and use IT to aid their research into current products. For some products they will also use market research to support their design brief. In addition, teaching food technology encourages the need for balanced nutrition, safe preparation and handling of food and equipment as well as an awareness of where food is from and seasonality.
We teach technology throughout our topic-based curriculum. Design and Technology encourages the development of knowledge, skills and understanding in a practically based subject. Pupils are taught to develop, plan and communicate ideas. They work with tools, equipment, materials and components to make quality products. Upon completion of their task, they evaluate the processes and products.
In Key Stage 1, pupils learn how to think imaginatively and talk about what they like and dislike when designing and making. They build on their early childhood experiences of investigating objects around them. They explore how familiar things work and talk about, draw and model their ideas. They learn how to design, and safely, make their products. Following the designing and making process, children then identify any strengths and weaknesses.
During Key Stage 2, the pupils will identify the purpose for design, the mechanisms that might be required, the best materials for the job and tools required to manipulate them. They are encouraged to look at products that exist in the wider world and evaluate their use and efficiency – are they fit for purpose? Following designing and making, children then identify strengths and weaknesses of their own products and improve them.