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Monkshouse Primary Academy

Together Everybody Achieves More

Mr Addison Year 4 - Doves

Hello and welcome to the Doves class blog page.


Here you can touch base and check out all of the exciting activities we are getting up to in Year 4. We will keep you updated as we continue our learning journey and can't wait to share all of our successes and achievements with you all. 


Which adults are in Doves class?

Mr Addison - Class teacher

Mr Ahern - Teaching Assistant

Mrs Hurford (1:1)

Our class book:

Tuesday 11th June - Structures in DT

Today in DT, the pupils were tasked with using the available materials to build a free-standing structure strong enough to support the weight of a few classroom objects. It was a great chance to refresh some learning earlier on in the year. I wonder what shapes made for sturdy and stable structures?

Thursday 6th June - Cello lessons begin!

Today marked the first day of cello classes with Mrs Patterson! The children were introduced to their cellos, enjoyed a small demonstration of cello playing and performed their first songs. The cellos were large and a bit awkward but the children soon learned how to support them properly and position their hands in order to pluck the strings!


Follow this link to check out a Spotify playlist packed with cello covers of pop songs! Happy listening!

Maths - Sorting polygons

Doves class created their own systems for sorting and classifying a set of 2D polygons. I wonder how many different ways of organising the polygons they came up with in total?

Term 6 - Tomb Raider continued!

Download the file below to see the full termly overview for Term 6 in Year 4.

Friday 24th May - Doves class have finished reading:

Friday 17th May - Musical motifs

Pupils in Doves class used the glockenspiels to create some of the motifs that are used in the song 'Out of the Gloom, Tutankhamun'. They made variations of the motifs by changing the rhythm and pitch of the notes played.

Wednesday 8th May - Solids, liquids and gases

To consolidate our understanding of the three different states of matter, pupils in Doves used classroom resources to represent the particles in solids, liquids and gases!

Wednesday 24th April - Wellbeing Wednesday

To celebrate Wellbeing Week, pupils in Doves and across the school took part in Wellbeing Wednesday. A range of circuit activities were set up first thing in the morning so the children started the day fresh and ready!

Term 5 - Tomb Raiders!

Click on the file to download the curriculum map for Term 5!

Wednesday 27th March - Doves have finished reading:

Tuesday 30th January 2024 - Peterborough Mandir Visit

Today the pupils took a trip into Peterborough to visit the Bharat Peterborough Samaj Mandir in Peterborough. They were introduced to the mandir by Rajni. Rajni explained how Hindus use the temple. She showed them all of the different shrines, artefacts and objects that were essential for Hindu worship. The pupils also took time to sketch something in the mandir that they thought was significant.


The pupils loved asking their own questions and re-enacting worshipping the different Hindu gods and goddesses!

Friday 26th January - Young Writers Poetry Competition

'Once Upon a Dream'


Follow this link to get involved with this year's Young Writers Poetry Competition for 7-12 year olds!


Closing date - Friday 16th February!

Wednesday 17th & Thursday 18th January - A-Life Workshops!

Pupils in Doves class participated in two special workshops hosted by A-Life. The Wednesday workshop contained activities linked to taking care of your mental health whilst the Thursday workshop focused on ways of maintaining a healthy body.

Thursday 11th January - Photos from Unusual Perspectives!

After studying and evaluating the work of the photomontage artist Hannah Hoch, the pupils took an iPad each and explored the interior and exterior of the school. They each took one photo from an unusual perspective of their choosing. They added their photos to their books and discussed why they took that particular shot.


See below to view the photo gallery!

Term 3 - Our Planet

Please download the pdf file below for the full parent overview for Term 3!

Thursday 30th November: Broad Street Methodist Church visit

Year 4 spent the morning at Broad street Methodist Church. They met Reverend Luke who shared a Nativity story with them. They also explored the church building, taking part in a scavenger hunt and sketching some of the features of the church using their sketching pencils!

Friday 24th November: We finished our class read!

Reviews just in for Tom's Midnight Garden:

'I would recommend Tom's Midnight Garden because it goes back in time to the Victorians. I would give this book a 9/10. It could be improved by adding Hatty's wedding in the book. I don't like that Tom has to go home at the end of the book. This book includes time travelling, gardens and a grandfather clock. The main characters are Tom and Hatty. It's about a boy called Tom who finds a garden that he can only go to at midnight.'  ~ Elizabeth


'I liked it. There was was a lot of mystery and excitement.' ~ Lukas


'This book is AMAZING! It has quite some mystery to it.' ~ Freddie


'I am going to give it 10/10 because I liked how Hatty is the old lady." ~ William


'I rate it 10/10 beause it has lots of mystery and adventure.' ~ Dom


'I like Tom's Midnight Garden. I want there to be a Tom's Midnight Garden 2!" ~ Molly


'I would recommend this book. The start of it is kind of boring but once you get into it it's really good. It has mystery and adventure in it with a HUGE TWIST. 8/10' ~ Olivia Pickering


Friday 24th November - RE: Philosopher's Café

Today the children participated in a philosopher's café in RE. They considered the question 'What is a community?' They thought about what communities they belonged to and how each was different in its organisation and aims.

The children really disagree on one comment in the session - is the whole world one single community?

Lots of biscuits and juice were consumed whilst we discussed these questions in depth!

Wednesday 15th November - Products using mechanisms


Design & Technology - Exploring mechanisms (KS2) - Levers and Linkages in pop-up books - YouTube


Follow the link to revisit the video shared in our DT lesson!

Friday 10th November - Locating the Countries of Europe

Use this link to access three quizzes to challenge yourself on today's learning!


Countries of Europe Map Quiz (


Find the Countries of Europe Quiz (


Flags of Europe Quiz (

Tuesday 7th November - Maths

The children are growing more and more confident in using different resources to represent different problems. Here they are exploring arrays and their 3 times table facts in our first lesson of this unit!

Friday 3rd November - Food chains

The children explored how energy and nutrients are transferred through different living organisms in the wild through food chains. They built links between different organisms and tried to identify which organisms were producers, which were consumers and which were predators.

Term 2

Please find the link below to download the parent overview for Term 2.

Thursday 19th October - Editing writing

The pupils were exceedingly proud of their writing this week. They drafted and edited an opening to a chilling story about two children meeting an unexpected creature in the depths of a spooky location! Joseph and Rose were keen to photograph their super writing and wanted to share it!

Tuesday 17th October - Storyteller Beth Guiver weaves her magic!

Professional storyteller Beth Guiver visited the school today to share stories with the children!


With Year 4, she recounted the story of mighty Thor and his expedition to the land of the giants to fight the Midgard Serpent - Jormungandr!


The children loved listening to her stories and were keen to find out more about Viking mythology!

Wednesday 29th September - The Quietest Band Ever!

Doves have been learning about sound during the Autumn 1 term. To explore amplitude, the children were tasked to perform in 'the quietest band ever'. They considered what they might need to do in order to limit the volume of their performance. They then used this experience to help them draw diagrams and explain what makes sounds loud or quiet.

Thursday 28th September - Poet Visit

Pupils across the school, including Doves class, were treated to a poetry workshop. They helped to construct a poem all about Matilda to add to a poem all about the joy of books and stories!

Tuesday 19th September - Poetry Performances!

After participating in Pie Corbett's 'City of Stars' poetry activity, pupils in Doves wrote their own poems combining a random abstract noun with a different location.


They then practised reading their poems aloud and each gave a performance to the whole class!

Wednesday 6th September - Dicey Maths Games

For the first day back, pupils in Doves class explored maths games involving dice. They played the games Dotty Six and Dicey Addition. Both games involved having a plan, knowing how to adapt and also required a small pinch of luck in order to succeed!


To play these games again, why not visit the instructions for them on the nRich website?

Dotty Six (

Dicey Addition (


Terms 1 & 2 - Invaders!

Please download the pdf file below to view the full curriculum overview for Autumn term 1.
