Computing and Online Safety
Technology is part of our daily lives, both at home and at work. It is as equally essential for children to be able to understand how to use them safely and with confidence. Therefore, the computing curriculum at Monkshouse Primary School focuses on ensuring children get the best out of technology use of computing throughout the curriculum as well as in specific lessons.
At Monkshouse Primary School, we strive to ensure that children are able to experience a rich and varied curriculum and, as such, have endeavoured to make it so all children can get an understanding of what it means to write a script and a program.
- Children in reception will begin with understanding routines and the basics of turning on computers.
- Year 1 children will then begin to use appropriate terminologies associated to programming.
- Year 2 children will utilise simple applications to embed the understanding from previous learning, and identify “bugs” in their own code.
- Year 3 children will begin to use Scratch, a free application, to program their own sequences and will aim to create a simple chase game.
- Year 4 children will build on this knowledge and apply conditional effects, loops and repeat functions.
- Year 5 children will begin to make use of if/then statements and will design a game of their own choosing.
- Year 6 students will end their computer science journey at Monkshouse by making use of their programming knowledge in a practical context, utilising a combination of technologies and coding to complete tasks set for them.
Building on from these children at Monkshouse will also be given opportunities to use different technologies and applications for different purposes. These will often be integrated into other curriculum subjects to show the children practical ways of making technology useful.
- Children in reception will begin to use the different peripheral devices and have exposure to the use of iPads, laptops and desktop devices.
- Year 1 children will begin to independently log in/out of the computing devices and start to use applications such as Word to present their work.
- Year 2 will build on previous learning and begin to make use of the different applications available within the Microsoft package to present pieces of work using their typing skills.
- Year 3 will embed the skills learned previously and be able to independently manipulate a document for their own purposes, focussing on the formatting and presentation options available to show their work appropriately.
- Year 4 will continue to use Microsoft Word, but will also begin to make use of Publisher to present content in different formats, considering which of the software available may be more appropriate for their purposes.
- Year 5 will continue to use the programs previously learned about, but will also begin to make use of Microsoft PowerPoint to present work in a more formal manner, focussing on presenting skills and slideshow applications.
- Year 6 will continue to make use of the programs previously learned about, but will begin to make use of Microsoft Excel to manipulate data and present it in an appropriate format. They may even move on to use formulae to calculate different sums and link it to real life applications.
At Monkshouse, we believe that being aware of how to keep E-Safe is an important life skill, particularly in a society based on the use of computing. There is a strong emphasis at Monkshouse on the safe use of computing equipment and staying safe online. This is achieved through workshops and assemblies based on these fundamental skills. The key way this is being achieved is through the enablement of all children to know how to safeguard themselves whilst online. Ensuring all children have knowledge on what E-Safety is and how they can stay safe online is believed to be paramount whilst using computing. This is reinforced in any lesson where technology is used, even if it is not a specific computing one.